Why You Should Love Yoga.

Tree PoseYoga is the best multipurpose medication any modern girl or guy could ask for.  Bad mood. No problem. Feeling anxious. Perfect remedy. Have an injury. There’s a modification for that. Only believe in hard science. Yoga can stand up to that.

Yoga is preparation for meditation.  For me personally, yoga is a form of meditation.  When I practice yoga, I am completely present and am practicing mindfulness. Current research has been proving – yes, I said “proving” – that practicing mindfulness (i.e., meditating) can literally reverse damage done to your brain by being in a state of constant stress.  Most of us live in a state of constant stress because the way we live today is at odds with our biology.  You all know what I’m talking about – fight or flight – we react to a work deadline or the pressure of being in escrow as if we’re running for our lives to escape death by saber tooth tiger.  Our mind and body reacts to modern stress with a flood of cortisol that is, quite frankly, unnecessary.  It actually shrinks our pre-frontal cortex – the part of our brains that distinguishes humans from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Case in point: I am a lawyer. I am constantly stressed. I suffer from anxiety and depression, which is no doubt exacerbated by mySplits career choice. Last year I tore a tendon in my ankle and couldn’t get ANY CARDIO. Can you spell D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R?!?!  My physical therapist (slash favorite person slash hero slash savior) was in the midst of completing her yoga instructor certification.  In addition to being my new personal guru (I’m exaggerating slightly, but inspiration covers the point) she incorporated yoga into my recovery and rehabilitation plan. The result? While I couldn’t run, do the elliptical, or hike, I can do tree pose, shoulder stands, an almost perfect down dog, and am working on the splits. Yes, you heard me! The S-P-L-I-T-S.  My mind is calm and I have incorporated Hindu philosophy into my daily dialogue as I talk myself out of a daily work-related meltdown.

Thank god for yoga!